How to Use a Custom Domain as a Bluesky Handle
I’m going to using CPanel so it maybe a little different on your end. Head over to Bluesky and go to Settings and click Change Handle, then I have my own domain. You have two different ways to verify your domain ownership.
DNS Panel
The first and easiest way (with CPanel at least), providing you have access to DNS settings. Open CPanel and go down to Domains > Zone Editor and then click Manage on the domain you wish to use. Click the little down arrow next to Add Record, and select Add “TXT” Record and fill in your information like so:

No DNS Panel
The other way is to upload a file to .well-known. In CPanel its pretty easy to find, Open Files > File Manager and then you can just search for it in the top left. You either need to search for:
public_html/.well-known OR .well-known OR
In my case it’s in the public_html folder. It’s usually where you store your websites files. We need to create the file, on windows you can just make a text file on the desktop, name it atproto-did and remove the .txt extension. Right click the file and open with Notepad and paste in the text Bluesky requires. I’m on a Mac, so I used CotEditor to create my atproto-did (just click File > Save and remove the “.txt” part) file and then uploaded it via the CPanel File Manager
Time to Verify
Click either Verify DNS Record or Verify Text File, and you should get a message like below. If it fails, just double check that you’ve not add any spaces in the pasted text and that you are doing it with the correct domain. Feel free to contact me on Bluesky if you get stuck.